High School Math Classes & Homework Guide

Math for high school is one of the most challenging classes for students and a subject many wish they could do away with. One can’t blame them; the complex concepts and difficult equations don’t help matter either. Unfortunately, math is also a compulsory class; you must take the class and pass the exam. Therefore, if you want to get good grades at the end of high school, you must overcome your math phobia.

Math is not as complicated as you think – you can excel if you’re willing to give it what it takes. Here is a simple guide on tackling math problems, whether for high school math homework or tests.

The dos of math classes in high school for success

We’ve divided this guide into two parts; the first includes excellent practices in high school math classes. Let’s get into them:

  1. Start studying early

Don’t wait until the middle of the term before tackling those math problems. Treat each topic as soon as they are taught in class; get a tutor for any part you don’t understand if you must. The earlier you start studying math, the better prepared you will be when tests and exams come.

  1. Make studying a daily affair

Math contains complex and volatile equations and formulas you can only remember if you practice them daily. Thus, make solving math questions a daily affair; it allows your brain to absorb information better. With consistent study, you can hone your mastery of the concepts and formula usage.

  1. Get familiar with formulas

Formulas are a significant part of math classes and are vital when you are studying for tests. Getting familiar with those formulas will prevent you from having to cram them shortly before an exam, which is not ideal. Therefore, endeavor to comprehend each formula as you encounter them in your math classes – and don’t forget to seek help.

  1. Be part of a study group

Being part of a study group is a great idea when it comes to math. You and your study buddies will identify what is the hardest math class in high school and tackle it in your study time. More so, the more knowledge of math you share, the more you retain.

  1. Always do your homework

Your homework is essentially a study guide that gives you a better grasp of topics you’ve learned. This is why doing your homework is essential, and when you do, ensure you demonstrate the steps as was done in class.

The don’ts in high school math classes: bad habits to avoid

There are no set rules for math study or doing homework, but there are certain bad habits you must avoid, including:

  • Procrastination

Don’t wait until the night before your test before you start studying and working on those math problems. Make doing practice tests a daily thing so that you have understood all or most of the concepts when the test comes.

  • Music during study

Avoid listening to music during the study; contrary to popular opinion, this practice might hinder your comprehension of the subject. You are over-tasking your brain, processing song lyrics and trying to understand math simultaneously; one must overtake the other. It would be best to have total concentration when doing math high school homework or studying.

  • Cramming

Cramming is a temporary fix as your brain only stores the information short term. Therefore, don’t cram; study one day at a time and let your brain process information and store it long-term.

  • Skipping directions

Instructions are very important in math, especially in tests or exams. Before you jump into tackling the problems, read the directions to avoid making mistakes that can cost you good grades.


As you attend classes, identify what is the easiest math class in high school as well as the hardest. Get help from your teacher, older colleagues, or math tutors for the hard ones. If you put in the work, you will soon find that you look forward to math class. It looks farfetched and highly unlikely, but it is possible; you can be great in math if you try.

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